Sibertooth's Rebel SD - "Olive"
Bred by Cassandra Buch (Sibertooth).
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Olive came from the Buch family in British Columbia. Her maternal grandfather is our old boy, Stoney, and her fraternal grandfather is Karen Ramstead's famous how could we pass her by?
Olive is a powerhouse in harness. She just. Wants. To. Go. During the 2020-2021 racing season, she ran on my 8-dog team and completed her Sled Dog (SD) degree.
NorthWapiti's Super Grover NorthWapiti's Crunchie Northome's Visa NorthWapiti's Turtle Alaskan's Meekur of Anadyr Alaskan's Olena of Anadyr Alaskan's Yakut of Anadyr II Sibertooth's Rebel SD CH. NUGGETUK'S NAME THAT TOMB Tombstone of the Midnight Sun CH. TUNGUSKA TEN OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN Yetieska's Pop Rocks MBISS GCH. AMOROK'S LIGHT BRIGADE AT KADIAN CH. YETIESKA'S WILD POPPY CH. NUGGETUK'S GLISSADE
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